
How to be a successful...

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최종수정 : 2006-04-13 00:00

How to be a successful high school student

By Min Je Woo

After five years in high school, I’m starting to see the end of this journey and the start of a new one. 
My high-school life hasn’t been perfect or easy going. I have regrets and successes.  I made smart choices and dumb choices. But nevertheless, my graduation is inevitable. 
So I hope I can give others some insight into how to have a better and more successful high-school life than I had. And when I say “successful,” I mean as a well-rounded student.
It’s important to remember that, as students, our priority is to study.
It’s great if you’re part of different clubs or councils at school, but schoolwork should come first.
Last year, I was elected to student council and given a lot of responsibilities. But no matter what student council was planning, I made sure I was on top of my studies by doing homework and studying, giving it priority over any student council events.  Sometimes I had to stay up late to finish everything, but I was never behind schoolwork.
In other words, time management is very important. Not only will it help you in high school, but it’s going to be a valuable asset for you for the rest of your life.
When I first started high school, I had very bad study habits. But over the years, I changed and, as expected, my marks improved as well.
Everyone is different and everyone will have different study habits, but there are some basic guidelines:
First, it’s good to have a clean desk. Having a computer on your desk will not help you get things done. Time goes by very quickly when you play on the computer, and even if you’re not playing games, having a computer next to you may tempt you to start playing something.
Having food on your desk will also not help much either. It’s just a distraction. (I know I had problems with this one.) So just put the necessary items on your desk that will help you study.
Second, everyone has a class that they’re good at and a class they’re not so good at. This may sound odd, but try to get to know the teacher of the class that you don’t like as much.
I’m not saying to “suck-up” to your teacher, but just try to get to know them a bit better.  Talk to them about any problems you’ve had, or something that you’re both interested in. I guarantee getting to know the teacher better will make the class much more enjoyable.
Third, read over your notes. Don’t read them over the day before a test – that won’t help you much. Read them regularly, like once a week, and it will help you do better on tests. It’s also helpful if you read ahead (but I was never able to do that ...).
Eat a lot of bananas! When your brain sends a nerve impulse, it needs potassium and sodium ions. These ions help the nerve travel. Bananas are rich in potassium so it could help you think faster and more clearly during a test.
Sleep a lot! A high school student should sleep eight hours a day. It is scientifically proven that students who sleep more do better at school.  So don’t stay up all night trying to cram. If you’re trying to study while you’re sleepy, you’re not going to absorb any information.
Pay attention in class! Well … I think this is fairly self-explanatory.
Some parents may disagree strongly with me on this one, but I think that, in Canada, being a high school student is not all about grades. 
Like they say, “Study hard, play hard” (just remember to control yourself). It’s important to relax your brain.
But when I say ‘play hard’ I don’t mean you should start playing computer games until your eyes dry out. Go outside, and get some fresh air. Go for a walk or play some sports with some friends. It’s also nice to have a hobby (TV and computer games do not count as hobbies).
Unlike in Korea or other Asian countries, students in Canada are judged not only by their academic standings, but by their volunteer work as well. I can’t emphasize how important it is to volunteer.
Having more volunteer hours will help you qualify for more scholarships in Grade 12; impress your potential employers; and get you more respect (trust me).
I’m not saying that you should necessarily follow my advice word for word -- these are more suggestions than anything else.
But remember: Students are the future generation of this world. The future is not looking for students who tilt the scale. The future is looking for students who are able to find equilibrium and balance on the scale. 

If you have any further questions or comments, feel free to contact me at woo_minje@hotmail.com

*Minje Woo is a Grade 12 student at Burnaby South Secondary.

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