
Commitment to community

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최종수정 : 2007-06-14 00:00

by Angela MacKenzie

With the Korean Heritage Day Festival fast approaching, I’ve been pondering the meaning of community. What does it truly mean? My first instinct was to begin with the basics, and I turned to my most trusted source as a writer.
The Canadian Oxford Dictionary offers several definitions of community: “1a. all the people living in a specific locality ... 2. a body of people having a religion, profession, etc., in common ...”
After pondering that for awhile, I felt it didn’t quite capture the spirit of what community is ? caring about what happens to those around you and about making an effort to effect positive changes.
Having volunteered now with the Corean Canadian Coactive Society for close to three years, I’ve witnessed first-hand what the living definition of community is through the dedicated efforts of volunteers from the community.
Jay Sung, the Korean Heritage Day Festival co-ordinator, has been working tirelessly with other volunteers to organize this year’s celebration. A modest person, Jay has never asked to be recognized publicly. He has never asked to do less, and often goes beyond his own responsibilities. He embodies the true spirit of community.
The preparations for the Korean Heritage Day Festival - the day when Korean Canadians celebrate their community and cultural heritage in B.C. - are wrapping up, and on Saturday, the efforts of Jay and hundreds of volunteers will become evident to the whole community
But I also wanted to know what community means to someone who has more recently become involved in community. I decided to interview to Michele Kim, an articled student with the law firm Fasken Martineau and DuMoulin.
“My involvement with the [festival] was through our firm in the capacity of providing pro bono services,” Michele says. “Our firm is serious in its commitment to the community and in living our values.
Pro bono work allows us to do this and it is fortunate that I am able to participate in giving back to the Korean community through this commitment.”
Michele has spent six years living abroad, but grew up in B.C. and feels proud to be a Korean Canadian.
“Being a Korean Canadian has encompassed witnessing the growth of the Korean Canadian community,” Michele says. “I think for many second generation Koreans, we are proud to witness the recognition of the Korean community notwithstanding that we pride ourselves equally in our Canadian identity and integration. For most my age, we watched the struggles our parents faced as immigrants to Canada. Now, we watch as the Korean Canadian community comes together to provide the future generations with a network to promote and protect our heritage.
Michele says the festival in particular is wonderful to witness as a celebration of Korean culture within the Canadian community.
“It is a demonstration of one of the most salient characteristics of Vancouver that makes us special, our cultural diversity,” Michele says. She believes that retaining cultural heritage is important because individuals are the sum of their pasts.
“It is a privilege to have history, tradition, and community,” she says. “What I love most about the Korean culture is our strong family values. I could not be what I am today without my family having supported me along the way. What I love most about the Canadian culture is our rich diversity, which is not directed solely at ethnic heritage.”
Both Michele and Jay demonstrate that community is a dynamic force. It goes the black-and-white definition in a dictionary. It lives and grows in the heart.

The Korean Heritage Day Festival takes place this Saturday, June 16, 2007, 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Percy Perry Stadium, 1299 Pinetree Way, Coquitlam.

Angela MacKenzie is the editor of  C3 News & Views. To submit a column in English or Korean, contact her at aymackenzie@gmail.com For more information about C3 Society, visit www.c3society.com

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