
Career conference is a win-win

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최종수정 : 2007-03-15 00:00

지난해 5월 열렸던 C3 주최 제 1회 커리어 컨퍼런스에서 참가자들이 주제 분과별 워크숍을 하고 있다. 밴쿠버 조선일보 DB

by Angela MacKenzie

I have to be honest - when I was first asked to be a mentor at the first-ever, Korean Canadian Career Conference last year, I thought, "Who me?"
Although I had several years of experience working as a reporter, I wondered if there were any Korean-Canadian students out there who wanted to pursue the career I'd chosen.
Journalism doesn't always have the best reputation. Reporters are often criticized as being insensitive, opportunistic and cynical. In rankings of professions, journalists are usually just above politicians.
But to me, journalism has allowed me to meet people I never would have otherwise, share in the successes and tragedies of a community and, once in awhile, bring about some good.
Katherine Graham, the formidable woman who once ran the Washington Post, was quoted as saying, "To love what you do and feel that it matters - how could anything be more fun?"
I couldn't agree more.
So at last year's conference, when students asked questions about journalism, I was happy to share with them what journalism meant to me. It was a chance for me to tell them why I think the media is an important part of any society.
This Saturday, for the second year in a row, high-school and post-secondary students will again have the opportunity to met professionals who work in fields like medicine, business, education and media. They'll get the chance to talk to individuals who love what they do and are willing to share their enthusiasm with others who are just starting out on their career paths.
Students will get to tap into some hard-earned knowledge that can only be learned by doing, and mentors will get a chance pass on their experiences to the next generation.
It's a win-win all around.

The Korean Canadian Career Conference takes place on Saturday, March 17 at the Executive Plaza Hotel and Conference Centre, 405 North Rd., Coquitlam, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Register for the conference at D-Mobile Communications Ltd., 341 North Rd. in Coquitlam (across from Hannam Supermarket), or online at www.c3society.com  The conference fee (which includes breakfast and lunch) is $25 if students register and pay at the D-Mobile location; $30 if registering online and paying at the conference; and $40 if paying and registering on the day of the conference. For more information, visit www.c3society.com or e-mail kc3info@gmail.com

Angela MacKenzie is a freelance journalist and editor of C3 News & Views. Column submissions may be sent to aymackenzie@gmail.com

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