
Thank you for the inspiration

밴쿠버 조선 news@vanchosun.com 기자의 다른 기사보기


최종수정 : 2006-11-09 00:00

By Yonah Kim Martin

C3 주최로 지난 4일 포인트 그레이 골프 클럽에서 열린 기금 모금 만찬 행사에서 발언하고 있는 우민제군.

On Saturday, Nov. 4, just before leaving Point Grey Golf and Country Club at the end of the evening, I thanked the event manager who was cleaning up the silent auction room with another female staff member.
"I really enjoyed the evening," he responded. "That was a great event! I had only watched Mi-Jung Lee on TV until tonight - she was fabulous."
"I know," I agreed, feeling proud of being her friend and fellow Korean-Canadian.
The tall woman who was taking apart the skirts on the tables stepped into the conversation. "Oh, and that magician who spoke - Min Je - was amazing!"
"Yes, wasn't he?" I gushed, feeling even prouder by the second.
"I'm doing my practicum right now at a school and I think that Min Je would be such a great speaker for my students. Do you think that he might be able to come to school?"
"I can ask him," I offered. "I'm sure if his schedule permits, he would enjoy speaking to your students." I now felt like Min Je Woo's manager.
"Well, what he was saying about being 100% Korean and 100% Canadian - that was so great, and I think my students would really benefit from meeting him. I don't think I have any Korean students in the class, but most of them are Asian-Canadians. I really think that he would inspire them!"
The event manager agreed and added, "Yeah, most Canadians are immigrants from some country or other. What Min Je was saying applies to all of us."
This unexpected conversation that took place left one of the most indelible impressions of the evening. I am reminded of the words I heard an Australian-Canadian author say during an interview on CBC Radio a few years ago:
The more personal and specific you get, the more universal it becomes.
How true. Mi-Jung Lee shared her personal story of growing up in Canada but her story touched the hearts of every single one of us in the room ... because her story is also our story. Min Je Woo's testimonial was about his personal journey of understanding his unique Korean-Canadian identity and realizing a true purpose in life...yet even the staff of Point Grey were inspired by his story.
November 4 was truly "An Evening of Inspiration" for me.
To our guests and sponsors of the event, we are indebted. To all the community organizations that have encouraged us and shared your resources with us - you empower us to be keep going forward.
In particular, C3 must acknowledge the Korean United Church of Vancouver for generously opening its doors - from the RUSH rehearsals to the Camp Korea planning sessions to the monthly board meetings, KUC has been one of our key coactive partners from the very beginning and in 2006. Rev. John Woo and the congregation of KUC, thank you for your gracious support.
Lastly, to our dedicated board, executive and volunteers, you are the treasures of our society and community - our collective strength is immeasurable.
C3 began with a meeting of eight people who shared a vision - a desire to "become the change we want to see in the world", a desire to "bridge communities" - and now here we are.

I am as strong as two people...C3 is as strong as all our members, sponsors and volunteers...our community is as strong as all of us put together. 
Without you...without me...there is no community.


밴쿠버 조선일보가 인터넷 서비스를 통해 제공하는 기사의 저작권과 판권은 밴쿠버 조선일보사의 소유며 저작권법의 보호를 받습니다. 허가없이 전재, 복사, 출판, 인터넷 및 데이터 베이스를 비롯한 각종 정보 서비스 등에 사용하는 것을 금지합니다.

이제 신문도 이메일로 받아 보세요! 매일 업데이트 되는 뉴스와 정보, 그리고
한인 사회의 각종 소식들을 편리하게 받아 보실 수 있습니다. 지금 신청하세요.

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