
Walking, thinking, dreaming

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최종수정 : 2006-09-21 00:00

by Lee Sung Kim

We live by behaviour rather than the year, by thinking than breathing, and by emotion than numbers ...The very one who thinks more, feels noble things and does the best, lives longer, after all.  -Bailey

I have a habit of getting up early in the morning. On most mornings, weather permitting, I like to walk east, west, north and south, wherever the path may lead. Each time, I walk for about half an hour or more. I hardly see anyone on my walks so early in the day.
One morning, I am awakened by the twittering voices of the birds from the branches of the old, fir tree standing behind our home. It seems like a perfect way to start my day, so as usual, I head out for my morning walk.
As I walk softly along the deserted sidewalks, I think about the plan of my daily life.
The fresh, soft, morning breeze tickles my nose, making me feel quite cheerful. The evergreens standing along the sidewalk bear fresh, green, pine needles - a perfect haven for the birds year round.
I can see the morning sky through the high branches of the trees. The white clouds are painted in the sky here and there, and the sky is slowly lighting up with the rising sun from the east.
The view of the "Lions" to the northwest and Mount Seymour next to them comes into sight as I turn north at the end of my block. The distant, snowy peaks stand firm and majestic, welcoming the rising sun. They appear to be stretching out their heavy bodies, waking up from their long sleep during the night.
The wide span of mountains under the endless sky reminds me of ancient, oriental paintings of nature. Mountains, rivers and trees - all of nature - are timeless, unchanged. I am awed by the mystery of creation and the wonder of nature.
After walking for awhile, I come upon a park bench. I sit and listen to the sweet melody of the birds up in the trees. At that very moment, the whirring sound of metal on metal created by an approaching SkyTrain interrupts the chorus.
I stand, breathe deeply for awhile, and stretch my muscles. I continue my walk as I look at the broad horizon before me, and I feel broad in mind and thought.
I am suddenly reminded of the precious life lesson I learned from a high-school teacher. He taught us that broad-mindedness is the energy between heaven and earth and the synergy between two like minds.
In other words, it means that we should always strive to be broad-minded and generous. Even though many years have passed since I first heard these wise words, I am reminded once again of the valuable lesson imparted to me.
I continue walking, thinking about my day, and dreaming of the tomorrow of hope and brightness.

To submit a column to C3 News & Views, contact Angela MacKenzie at aymackenzie@gmail.com.

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