
Misunderstanding cultural...

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최종수정 : 2006-09-14 00:00

Misunderstanding cultural diversity

By Angela MacKenzie

Vancouver is one of the most culturally diverse cities in Canada and, one could argue, in the world.
The multicultural nature and diversity of the city was cited as one of the reasons why the Dalai Lama - the exiled spiritual and political leader of Tibet and a Nobel Peace Prize recipient - chose Vancouver as the location for the Dalai Lama Center for Peace and Education.
Vancouver's diversity is also often cited as the reason why thousands of new immigrants to the country decide to choose the city as their new home every year.
But Vancouver's reputation as a multicultural city suffered a hit Monday when allegations emerged that visible-minority employees of the City of Vancouver were asked to temporarily relocate to front-counter areas when the federal labour minister recently toured city hall.
Paul Faoro, president of CUPE Local 15 representing city employees, said there were three cases of employees of colour or visible minorities being asked to pretend to work at the front counters.
If what the union alleges did happen, then the incident serves as an example that diversity is still being misunderstood.
So let's be clear.
Diversity should obviously not be about making sure you have X number of employees of visible minorities at the front counter when the labour minister visits.
True diversity is appreciating and respecting individuals for who they are as individuals - for their various backgrounds, experiences, perspectives, values and beliefs.
Minister Jean-Pierre Blackburn was in Vancouver on Aug. 28 to meet with Vancouver Mayor Sam Sullivan to discuss diversity and multiculturalism issues.
The labour minister's visit was part of an initiative to implement a strategy to tackle racism in the workplace. The federal government is even offering up some money to help achieve equity and diversity goals.
If the allegations are true, let's hope the City of Vancouver seizes on the opportunity for some training in what diversity truly means.

To submit a column to C3 News & Views, e-mail Angela MacKenzie at aymackenzie@gmail.com . To find out more about C3, visit www.c3society.com.

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