
C3 Society ... Share the Vision

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최종수정 : 2006-10-26 00:00

By Yonah Martin

The Corean Canadian Coactive(C3) Society is a non-profit community organization made up of volunteers who embrace cultural diversity, work coactively with other groups, and establish new possibilities for the future of Koreans in Canada. C3's mission is to bridge the Korean and Canadian communities by providing cultural, educational, economic, and volunteer resources. 

C3 주최로 지난 7월 써리 소재 캠프 코우마이스(Camp Kwomais)에서 열렸던 '캠프 코리아 2006'에 참가했던 어린이들.

Since our inception in 2003, C3 has become a strong voice of the Korean-Canadian community. We have reached a milestone in our development as an organization, successfully building on our mandate with several projects in 2006.
In April, C3 partnered with writer/director Lawrence Kim, the Port Moody Festival of the Arts and Hanin Heritage Society to present the Canadian debut of the Korean musical RUSH.
In May, C3 helped to connect approximately 50 professionals/mentors from across Canada and more than 150 students from local high schools and post secondary institutions during the 1st Annual Korean Canadian Career Conference.
In June, C3 co-hosted the 5th Annual Korean Heritage Day Festival, celebrating the vibrancy of Korean culture within the Canadian mosaic. The festival showcased the talents of Korean-Canadian artists and performers. C3 mobilized almost 200 volunteers who served an estimated festival crowd of 8,000 people.
And last, but not least, more than 75 children from Vancouver's Lower Mainland, Vancouver Island and from Korea participated in Camp Korea 2006  - a three-day, bilingual culture camp for children ages 7 to12.
If you would like to become a part of our vision, C3 Society encourages you to sign up as a member of C3, volunteer for one of our events or make a donation to help support our projects. With your help, C3 will continue in its efforts to create stronger, more vibrant communities. By supporting C3, you are assisting Korean-Canadians of all ages and backgrounds to become positive and active members of the greater Canadian society, and helping to foster a better understanding of Canadian and Korean cultures.
On Saturday, Nov. 4, C3 will host a gala dinner and silent auction to raise funds for 2007 and beyond. We invite you to come celebrate with us, share our vision and be inspired by our future.

Yonah Martin is chair of C3 Society. If you would like to attend the gala fundraiser, please e-mail info@c3society.com or contact Grace Cho at 604-309-5297. For more information about C3 Society, visit www.c3society.com.


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