
How to Recognize Insanity

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최종수정 : 2006-10-19 00:00

By Konah Kim

I wrote about the madness of the North Korean regime a few years ago, after a discussion with a Korean-Canadian friend of mine. We debated whether or not Kim Jong Il was in fact “insane” or just a really clever, sebatious, political creature. I argued that the North Korean leaders should be committed to a nut house.
My friend’s views originate from a deconstructionist and post-modern perspective, where madness and insanity are to be lauded, even studied. He is also a business major and looks at this problem through the lens of “game theory” and other such nonsense taught in business schools. The fact remains, however, that minds that are insane, like minds that are obsessive, do and say insane things. Game theory and deconstructionism are both products of such thinking.
Game theory and deconstructionism have been the basis for exploitation and competitive dehumanization for centuries. We just now find and continue to find definitions for them. Psychologically, these places in our physical brain make-up utilize structures that if put in concrete terms as action from thought would be categorized as insanity – par excellence.  So, ironically, my friend is right … but so am I. 
Kim Jong Il is a consummate businessman-politician. He is skilled in game theory and his manipulation of words would make a deconstructionist blush. In action and words, no one on the face of the planet should ever trust this man. Yet money is given to him, he lives in relative luxury compared to his people, and he is allowed to live as though he is rightfully the best leader of his country by his generals and senators. 
Yet he is the farthest thing from a Caesar, emperor, or divine king. He is none of these things except in his own mind. His insanity, tolerated, only because he is such a wild threat to the survival of not only South Korea and Japan, but is the fulcrum of political change in areas such a Iraq and the middle east as well as the United States and Great Britain.
How we shall deal with such insanity is a test of our own resolve and responsible rationalism. But, again, I reiterate with emphasis – North Korea is governed by madness and their future is thus infinitely sorrowful. Let us hope for the best.

*외부필자의 원고는 본지의 편집방향과 일치하지 않을 수도 있습니다.

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