시민권에 이름이 잘못 나왔을 경우
아는 사람 (184.71.132.XXX) / 번호: 34035 / 등록: 2017-05-12 15:27 / 수정: 2017-05-12 15:27 / 조회수: 4129

아래 시민권에 미들네임이 빠져서 나왔다고 하신 분, 원래 신청하실때 Name Change Certificate 사본 같이 보내신 것 맞지요?

댓글에는 링크나 내용 복사가 안되어 여기 올려드리니, Name Change Certificate 복사본 다시 넣으시고, 여권 발급위해  바로 필요하다는 편지와 함께 바로 Urgent로 신청하세요.


How to request a replacement if there is a mistake on your certificate

If it has been 90 days or less since you received your citizenship certificate, send us:

the citizenship certificate with the mistake,

a note explaining what needs to be fixed, and

if your request is urgent:

write “Urgent” in large, dark letters on the envelope,

include an explanation of why your request is urgent, and

include any documents that support your explanation.

We will replace your certificate free of charge.

Where to mail your request

If you live in Canada, mail your request to:

If you are sending your request by regular mail

Request for replacement certificate


P.O. Box 10000

Sydney, NS

B1P 7C1

If you are sending your request by a courier company

Request for replacement certificate


49 Dorchester Street

Sydney, Nova Scotia

B1P 5Z2

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