PARQ project - Free training at Vancouver Community College
WorkBC (96.53.47.XXX) / 번호: 36699 / 등록: 2018-04-18 10:04 / 수정: 2018-04-18 10:04 / 조회수: 4139

If you are interested in this training at VCC, you need to contact a WorkBC near your home. You need to open your case at WorkBC and ask your case manager that you want to join this training. The program will start in May. You can join the program if you take action right away. For the details of the program, please see the information below. Cheers,  [ Sorry, I cannot type Korean at this time]

Work at PARQ: Entry to Hospitality Careers Information

This is a reminder for the information session on
April 19th at 10:00am in room 822 at 250 West Pender Street,


Vancouver Community College is working with
PARQ Vancouver (
to deliver a short training program (6 weeks, 96 class hours) called Work at
PARQ: Entry to Hospitality Careers
. The program is open to all WorkBC
clients (please see the attached poster for eligibility information). This
training is purchasable by WorkBC Centres under the Essential Skills category
The tuition fee per participant is $2,500 (+GST). The course outline is
attached for your reference.



Training Location: VCC
Downtown Campus, 250 West Pender Street, Vancouver


Training Dates: May
7 – June 15, 2018 (6 weeks, 4 days/16 hours per week, 9:30 am-1:30 pm).


Program Details


  1. The program is 4 days
    a week so that the participants can access services at WorkBC centres one
    day/week, including obtaining STOC training as needed before the end of
    the program (such as FoodSafe, Serving It Right, etc.)


  1. The program gives
    WorkBC clients time to develop the essential skills they need, and
    provides opportunities for PARQ hiring managers to know and interact with
    the program participants prior to the formal hiring phase.


  1. PARQ hiring managers
    will work with the VCC training team to:

·         Conduct in-class training sessions whereby they can interact with and
observe the performance and learning capacity of the program participants in a
supported environment.

·         Build a rapport with the participants to facilitate future engagement,
especially into the hiring phase.

·         Arrange for the participants to visit PARQ and get a better sense of the
work environment before deciding what entry-level positions they would apply
for, which should match their skill sets.

·         Set up the formal hiring phase (at VCC or PARQ) with dedicated support
from the HR liaison from PARQ.


  1. The program
    participants will stay with VCC throughout the hiring phase (till the end
    of the 6-week period). The VCC team will facilitate the job applications
    and ensure that the participants are ready for interviews. We will follow
    up with PARQ about the hiring outcomes. During this time, the VCC team
    will communicate closely with the participants’ case managers to seek
    further input and provide updates, including hiring outcomes.




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