Camilla 선생님이 전하는 English Tip #3 -어려운 인터뷰 질문에 답하는 요령
ISS of BC (66.119.165.XXX) / 번호: 7199 / 등록: 2011-11-08 18:15 / 수정: 2011-11-09 09:42 / 조회수: 4127

Camilla선생님이 전하는 English Tip!

-어려운 인터뷰 질문에 답하는 요령

 Answering a tough job interview question

Job interviews can be stressful, but it’s always better when you are prepared to answer common, difficult questions. One question that gives many people trouble is “What are your weaknesses?” To answer professionally, and make a good impression on interviewers, take some time to prepare. Try the following exercise.

1. Make a list of your work-related weaknesses (use the left side of the chart below). These could be weaknesses in skills, personality, experience, or habits. Be honest with yourself – nobody else needs to read this list!

2. Put your weaknesses into 4 categories (use the right side of the chart below):

a. Weaknesses that you have been working on and successfully improving (for example, you are shy, but you have joined a public speaking club and always make an effort to greet and learn about new employees at your company)

b. Weaknesses that can also be strengths (for example, you have missed deadlines because of perfectionism, but your perfectionism also means that you make very few mistakes and are detail oriented).

c. Weak areas that may not be important for the kind of job you really want (for example, you aren't good at math but you are looking for work as a swimming coach).

d. Weaknesses that don’t fit into the first three categories.

Weakness Category (a, b, c, d)









Examine weaknesses in category “d”. Are there any really important weaknesses there, which will definitely affect your work? Your first task is to make decisions and take action that will put these weaknesses into category “a”.

 4. Now, prepare to answer the interview question! Choose an answer from category a, b, or c and explain with examples from your life how your weakness is either a) being solved, b) is actually an important strength, or c) is not important for the job. Category “a” is often the strongest answer.

Good luck with your interview!




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