Camilla 선생님이 전하는 English Tip! #2 -한국인에게 어려운 "W" 발음 잘하기
ISS of BC (66.119.165.XXX) / 번호: 7082 / 등록: 2011-11-02 14:49 / 수정: 2011-11-02 14:49 / 조회수: 4129

Camilla선생님이 전하는

한국인들에게 어려운 "W" 발음하기


Pronouncing words that start with “W”.

Many Koreans who understand English may still have trouble being understood by native speakers. A tip for you:

If a word starts with W, your mouth shape should be like a kiss, with a small space between your lips!


Check the mirror. If your mouth has a good kiss shape, now make a sound while blowing through your lips. This should sound like “W”. If you put your hand in front of your mouth, you should feel air pressure from the sound. You can practice saying words like “wood”, “woman”, and “word”. Your mouth should start in kiss shape, and you should feel a puff of air at the beginning of each word. Try it – maybe with a friend!

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