Camilla 선생님이 전하는 English Tip! - Resume 쓰기
ISS of BC (96.53.54.XXX) / 번호: 6770 / 등록: 2011-10-18 10:27 / 수정: 2011-10-18 10:27 / 조회수: 4125

Will your resume be chosen?


Employers search for a list of qualities which are critical for a specific job.  Make these qualities easy to find!  When you answer an ad, make sure your resume highlights the things requested in the ad.  For example, if the ad emphasizes communication and customer service skills, check your resume.  Are those skills "hidden" within the descriptions of your past three jobs?  Will the employer have to search for them?  Consider having a summary section at the top of your resume called "Relevant Skills" or "Relevant Experience".


Relevant Skills


* Experienced customer service representative, on the phone and in person - 5 years

* "Best CSR of the year" award in 2010.

* Active member of employee health and safety committee, representing 50 employees - 3 years

* Wrote project newsletter, explaining new IT advances to other employees - 1 year


All of these items show your communication and customer service skills.  Put the skills and experience requested by the ad in brief bullet points in this section, with other skills you think would be useful for this job.  **Change the content of this section when you apply for a different job.**  Your resume should always be adjusted to reply to each specific job ad, so that you display exactly the qualities that will get you onto an employer's short list!





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