이민 청소년을 위한 Theater Project - Nuyu
Options (96.48.224.XXX) / 번호: 5976 / 등록: 2011-09-02 15:53 / 수정: 2011-09-02 15:53 / 조회수: 4120

MOSAIC에서 제공하는 이민 청소년들을 위한  극단 project를 소개 드립니다.
올 가을에 자녀들이 소중한 경험을 할 수 있는 기회를 마련해 주시기 바랍니다.
대상: 14세~19세 이민 청소년
기간: 10월 1일 부터 11월 26일 까지 매주 토요일
장소: Britannia Community Services Center,
         1110 Cotton Drive, Vancouver
지원은 9월 23일에 마감합니다.

자세한 시간은 아래에 첨부한 영문 내용을 봐 주세요
등록을 원하시는 분은 연락 주시면, 지원서를 이메일로 보내 드리겠습니다. 

604-572-4060 (#385) 에이미 전
                    NuYu Popular Theatre Project
free popular theatre program for immigrant and refugee youth
Application Deadline: Friday September 23rd 2011
About NuYu:
NuYu is a youth program of MOSAIC that that uses Popular Theatre to create a space of dialogue where immigrant and refugee youth can explore their life experiences. We will use theatre games and exercises that will lead participants into the gradual creation of scenes from the stories of their lives. Using these theatre tools participants can explore the challenges in their lives as well as possible avenues for positive action and change. This is a FREE program. Lunch, bus passes, and honoraria will be provided. A certificate of completion and a letter of volunteer hours will also be provided.
Who can apply?
Immigrant & refugee youth between the ages of 14 to 19 interested in using theatre to explore their lives and the issues facing their community. No theatre experience necessary!
About Popular Theatre:
Also called Theatre of the Oppressed, Popular Theatre was created in Brazil in the 1960s by theatre practitioner Augusto Boal. Theatre of the Oppressed uses theatre as a tool to explore issues in a community. Using theatre games and exercises, the community creates scenes or plays based on their own stories, which they themselves perform. Theatre of the Oppressed has been practiced all over the world in the last forty years and is considered an important tool for healing and action in diverse communities.
Program dates/time:
Saturday October 1st, 10am-3pm
Saturday October 8th, 10am-3pm
Saturday October 15, 10am-3pm
Saturday October 22, 10am-3pm
Saturday October 29, 10am-3pm
Saturday November 5, 10am-3pm
Saturday November 12, 10am-3pm
Saturday November 19, 1pm – 6pm
Saturday November 26, 12noon – 3pm
Program location:
Britannia Community Services Centre
1110 Cotton Drive
Vancouver – Coast Salish Territory

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