Employment Service Info session, Career Mentoring Session, Meeting Employer session with IKEA & RBC
success (209.121.141.XXX) / 이메일: stellak@success.bc.ca / 번호: 47773 / 등록: 2023-05-24 16:01 / 수정: 2023-05-24 16:01 / 조회수: 4143


석세스 코퀴틀람 핸더슨 서비스 센터에서 취업 정보를 제공하고 있는 애니입니다.

아래와 같이 이민자분들을 위한 인포 세션, 멘토링 세션, IKEA 및 RBC 고용 메니저와의 세션이 준비되어 있으니, 관심있으신 분들의 많은 참여를 기다리겠습니다.

Info session: Career Paths for Skilled Immigrant (English)

Registration: https://success.jotform.com/231275038199865

Date and time: June 6, 2023 / 11:00 AM—12:00 PM

Service tool: Zoom

Speaker: Katy Kitainik, Career Coach, Douglas College


Updated program eligibility (covering up to 10 years after landing)

Service contents including career coaching, mentoring, and financial assistant

Other resources and employment programs for skilled immigrants

Mentoring session in KOREAN: Careers at Libraries (한국어 강좌)

Registration:  https://success.jotform.com/231295825848872

Date and time: June 7, 14, 21, 28, and July 5 (Wednesdays), 6:00 PM—8:00 PM

Service tool: Zoom

Contents: Mentors from local libraries provide practical guidelines and information for your career path. All participants are required to attend all five group sessions.

두 분의 도서관 직원분께서 자세한 직업 소개와 효과적인 직업 접근 방법에 대한 안내를 해드립니다. 소수 정원으로 진행됩니다. 커뮤니티 워커에 관심이 있으신 분들도 참여하시면 도움이 되실 것 같습니다.

Meeting Employer session with IKEA (English)

Registration: https://success.jotform.com/team/isip-tri-cities/Annie-moon-workshop-IKEA

Date and time: June 22 (Thurs.), 2023, 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Venue: SUCCESS Henderson Office, 1163 Pinetree Way, Unit# 2058, Coquitlam


Most required skills and qualifications in retail jobs

The hiring process of IKEA and other retail companies

Working conditions, benefits, and schedules

Outstanding resumes for retail jobs and interview questions

Meeting Employer session with RBC (English)

Registration for session 1&2: https://success.jotform.com/231295553210853

Session 1 Online session

Date & Time: July 18th, 11 AM—12 PM

Service tool: Webex

Discover different positions at RBC

Skills and qualifications for each position

Wages and benefits

Working conditions

Session 2 In-person session (Seats are limited.)

Date & Time: Aug. 4th, 11 AM—12:30 PM

Venue: RBC Clarke and Como Branch

101-567 Clarke Road, Coquitlam, BC

Tips for preparing a resume and interview

Hiring process

Site tour and net working

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