RMCS 에서 벤쿠버 잡페어 정보를 드립니다.
Sophia (184.70.31.XXX) / 번호: 45377 / 등록: 2022-03-01 16:29 / 수정: 2022-03-01 16:31 / 조회수: 4168


Register for the 2022 Vancouver Job Fair taking place on March 15,

and get a chance to connect with over 20 employers who are hiring!

This will be a fully virtual, free event, where you will be able to chat 1:1 with employers who are hiring, from the comfort of your own space - all you need is a device and and internet connection.

Prior to the event, you'll be able to upload your resume and create a profile about who you are and what you're looking for, and on the day, enter into virtual audio/text/video chats with employers. 


Confirmed employers include:


With more coming on board every day!

도움이 필요하시거나 궁금하신 사항이 있으신 분들께서는 

sophia@rmcs.bc.ca 또는 604-279-7160 으로 연락주세요.



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