RMCS Multi-industry trade talk workshop 을 소개합니다.
Sophia (24.85.13.XXX) / 번호: 44150 / 등록: 2021-07-08 15:31 / 수정: 2021-07-08 15:31 / 조회수: 4123


저희 RMCS 에서 진행하는 워크샵을 소개합니다.

이 워크샵에서는 각 분야의 전문가 다섯 분을 모시고 소중한 정보를 듣는 

시간을 갖게 됩니다. 아래 설명된 다섯 영역에 관심이 있으신 분들께서는 제게

워크샵 등록을 문의해주세요.

날짜: 7월 15일 목요일

시간: 오전 10시30분부터 12시까지

장소: 온라인 줌

sophia@rmcs.bc.ca 또는 604-279-7160 으로 신청바랍니다.

Hello everyone,

We continue to support you while you strive to achieve your goals.

 In order to help you further we bring you in touch with industry experts so that not only do you form invaluable connections but gain a wealth of knowledge, information and wisdom from people who have been where you are today and have achieved so much since.

Come and learn from their journey so you do not make the same mistakes. Meet to gather information on job fit, future outlooks, advancement opportunities, training/certification/education requirements, understand different pathways to your career, to fill gaps in your research and get answers to the questions you do not get answers to online.

Event details:

Title: Multi-industry Trade Talk (we will have expert guest speakers from 5 industries – Art & Design (IT), Aesthetics, Accounting, Health Care and Real Estate)

Date: Thurs, Jul 15

Time: 10:30 – 12:00

Venue: Online on Zoom


Here’s a brief about our guest speakers:


  1. Trade Talk – Art & Design (IT): Vinnie Mehta is a product designer with two decades of interdisciplinary experience in Visual effects, e-commerce, and education. She has worked on many award-winning episodic TV shows and feature films such as Captain America, Smallville.


           Whenever she gets free time, she loves capturing the story from street photography and helping aspiring design and art students to grow in their desired career path.



          Vinnie was Awarded Canada’s Gemini Award Nomination under the category of best visual effects for longest-running TV series “Stargate SG1” Episode, “Beachhead”.


  1. Trade Talk – Aesthetics: Geeta Chhabra is the owner of Geeta’s Beauty Salon and has outlets in three locations (Richmond, Surrey and Vancouver). It took a lot of dedication and patience to reach the heights that Geeta has achieved today. She has been a part of the beauty industry for the past 20 years. Geeta Chhabra opened her first location near  Richmond City Centre. Geeta’s passion and love for beauty became evident as more and more customers within the area praise the level and quality of service that Geeta’s Beauty Salon provides. Geeta’s has gained a lot of popularity and standing in the business.



  1. Trade Talk – Accounting : Omar Castro moved from Mexico over 10 years ago, after a successful career as a lawyer and college instructor. After arriving in Canada, he decided to do a career change into the field of accounting and enrolled in school right away. Omar has been in the accounting field for almost 6 years, all of them in public practice, and is currently working towards obtaining his Chartered Professional Accountant designation from CPA Canada. He has volunteered as tax preparer and bookkeeper for non-for-profit organizations in the lower mainland. During his free time, he enjoys brewing his own beer, fixing things around the house, and using his flight simulator.



  1. Trade Talk – Health Care: Karen Tyrell, is a Certified Dementia Practitioner (CDP); a Certified Professional Consultant on Aging (CPCA) as well as a Certified Dementia Care Provider (CDCP).  Please find her bio attached.



  1. Trade Talk - Real Estate & Mortgage: Ramon Gutierrez. Mortgage brokers: Mahir Nibber and Sachin Varma. Please join their session if you want to make a career in Real Estate or in Mortgage Brokering.




To register, please write back and also confirm which industry Trade Talk do you wish to attend.


I will share the zoom link on confirmation of registration.




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