Work and Life skills 트레이닝 프로그램에 관심있는 분들께서는 주목해주세요.
Sophia (184.70.31.XXX) / 번호: 43413 / 등록: 2021-03-02 14:35 / 수정: 2021-03-02 14:40 / 조회수: 4119


Work and Life Skills 


Back in Motion 에서 주관하는 3월 8일부터 시작되는 6주간의 트레이닝의 기회가 아직 열려있습니다.

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관심있으신 분들께서는 또는 604-279-7160  문의해주세요. 

Skills for Life and Work is a Skills Training for Employment program through the Ministry of Advanced Education, Skills and Training. This 6-week cohort-based training is designed to support persons with multiple barriers to employment, and will provide participants with:

§  Employment Counselling

§  Job Readiness Skills

§  Essential Skills Training

§  Occupational Skills Training

§  Job Coaching & Direct Job Placement and support for up to three months after the training


Multiple barriers is defined as individuals facing two or more barriers to employment, including:

§  Unstable Housing

§  Recovering from addiction

§  Prior criminal justice involvement

§  Mental health challenges, mental illness

§  Social networks and connections

§  Recent work experience

§  Canadian work experience

§  Low literacy skills

§  Limited English language skills

§  Low self-esteem

§  Low Income or no income

§  Young adult at risk (18-24)

§  Older Worker (55+)

§  Survivor of violence and/or abuse


What is the eligibility for this program?

§  A Canadian citizen, Permanent Resident, or protected person legally entitled to work in Canada

§  A BC Resident

§  Unemployed or Precariously Employed

§  Not a full-time student

§  Not actively participating in or receiving financial supports from another provincially or federally-funded labour market program

Individuals can self-refer if they identify with multiple barriers to employment. A referral form is available for organizations who wish to keep in touch about a specific participant during the training period.


Our locations:

Richmond: 110-6651 Elmbridge Way, Richmond, V7C5C2

Surrey: 200-7525 King George Blvd., Surrey, V3W5A8

Vancouver: 204-333 East Broadway, Vancouver, V5T1W5

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