SITEBC 멤버쉽 Intake Session
DIVERSEcity (96.53.69.XXX) / 번호: 15000 / 등록: 2013-02-15 11:46 / 수정: 2013-02-15 11:46 / 조회수: 4113

 SITEBC는  Society of Internationally Trained Engineers of British Columbia의 약자입니다. Site Bc 멤버가 되는 자격 조건을 참고하시고 모든 조건을 충족시키시면 필요한 서류를 준비하셔서 멤버 등록을 하시면 됩니다. SITE BC, E-Map, and BAck in Mortion Rehab Inc 세군데의 기관이 조인트 형식으로 Intake session을 준비합니다.


 SITE BC Intake Session for Internationally Trained Engineers


The SITE BC having the support from Back-in-Motion will host an Intake Session for SITE BC Membership application on Thursday, February 28, 2013 at Richmond office of Back in Motion Rehab Inc. (which is located at: #110-6651 Elmbridge Way Richmond, BC), starting at 6:00 p.m.


Intake Session jointly hosted by:

SITE BC (Society of Internationally Trained Engineers of BC,

E-MAP (Engineering – Matching & Placing,, and

Back in Motion Rehab Inc.,

Are you an Internationally Trained Engineer?

Are you looking for networking and professional development opportunities?

Are you looking for employment as an Engineer or Technologist?


Check the criteria to be a SITE BC Member at:


If you match the above mentioned criteria, please come to our Intake Session on Thursday, February 28, 2013 and bring with you the following documents:


1. Filled Membership Application Form for SITE BC

(downloaded from:

2. The following ORIGINALS and PHOTOCOPIES:

a) Your original ID from BC (driver’s license) and a photocopy

b) Your original Canadian Residence document (PR card or citizen card) and a photocopy

c) The original document (diploma) of your Engineering Bachelor Degree and a photocopy

d) If your original Engineering Degree certificate (Diploma) is not in English, then bring also

an official translation issued by a BC Certified Translator (or certified by a Notary Public) -

original translation and photocopy

3. Your most updated resume


Failure to submit any of the above mentioned documents will disqualify your application.

Venue: #110-6651 Elmbridge Way, Richmond, B.C., V7C 5C2 (Back in Motion Rehab Inc.)

Date: February 28, 2013 (Thursday)

Time: 6:00 p.m.


If you are interested, please register ASAP at: before it is too late.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: There will be no photocopying service provided, therefore you will have to bring along all the originals and photocopies of all your relevant documents as above-mentioned, otherwise you may need to wait for the next Intake Session, if your documents are not completely submitted.)

(P.S. There is no annual fee or membership fee if you are approved to be a SITE BC Member.)


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