정부 지원 LMA (Labour Market Agreement) Apprenticeship programs at VCC
DIVERSEcity (96.53.69.XXX) / 번호: 13716 / 등록: 2012-11-27 09:23 / 수정: 2012-11-27 09:50 / 조회수: 4127

LMA 프로그램은 ESA (Employment Skills Access) 프로그램과 다릅니다. 이전에 ESA 프로그램을 들으셨던 분들도 LMA를 지원하실 수 있습니다.

VCC에서 Cook  프로그램과 Hair design 프로그램을 무료로 제공 합니다. 관심 있으신 분들은 인포메이션 세션을 참가 하시기 바랍니다. (아래에 있는 웹사이트를 참고하세요.- 클릭하시면 됩니다)

 Get access to employment VCC’s Labour Market Agreement (LMA) apprenticeship training program is specifically designed to help people upgrade their employment skills.

Information sessions: http://www.vcc.ca/applying-to-vcc/college-information-sessions.cfm#A40

Program outline
Who can apply? Those who: 이민자/시민권자 , NO EI (maternity/parent leave), No 자격증 No 대학교 교육, Grade 10 교육 필요, 다른 LMA 프로그램을 듣지 않는 분. 
Are Canadian citizens or permanent residents Are unemployed and have not been eligible for EI or an EI client in the past 3 years (or 5 years for maternity/paternity leave)Do not have recognized certifications or post-secondary education Have Grade 10 high school education Are not currently in another Labour Market Agreement-funded program

What training programs are available?
Professional Cook Level 1
28 weeks, starting Jan. 14 or Feb. 11, 2013Monday to Friday, 2 to 7:30 p.m.
Program includes: Approximately 75 per cent practical hands-on food preparation experience and 25 per cent theory. Students learn all aspects of cooking, from selection of ingredients to preparation of fine sauces and specialty meats and vegetables.
Practical experience with service skills rounds out the training at JJ’s restaurant at VCC’s Downtown campus to ensure graduates appreciate the importance of teamwork for career success.
This program prepares graduates for employment as a cook in hotel kitchens, restaurants, and airline flight, train, cruise ship and institutional kitchens.
Classes begin: Jan. 14 and Feb. 11, 2013

Hair Design
42 weeks, starting Jan. 2, 2013Wednesday to Saturday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Program includes: All aspects of the hair design industry on a progressive scale.
Theoretical knowledge and practical training covers client relations, men’s and women’s hair cutting, permanent waving, shaving, hair colouring, hair and scalp treatments, facials and manicures, and disorders of the scalp and skin.
Salon management, bookkeeping, reception, desk functions and business services are an integral part of the program.

Classes begin: Jan. 2, 2013

For more inforamtion:
Eija Kosonen, LMA  liaison604.351.6059ekosonen@vcc.ca

 Government-funded apprenticeship training through the LMA in the areas of Hair Design and Culinary Arts. Applicants must meet basic eligibility requirements and go through an intake process. Qualified applicants must be available for a full-time class schedule and provide evidence of suitability and interest in these trades.


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