채용 박람회 가실 때 준비 하셔야 하는 것들 (11월 29일)
DIVERSEcity (96.53.69.XXX) / 번호: 13656 / 등록: 2012-11-23 09:19 / 수정: 2012-11-28 10:00 / 조회수: 4106

채용 박람회에 참석 하시는 분들을 위해서 몇가지 팁을 드립니다. 아래에서 언급하는 내용들을 잘 숙지 하시고 준비 하시기 바랍니다. 참고로 채용 박람회에 도착 하시면 언제 어디서 누굴 만날지 모르기 때문에 항상 자세나 태도를 신경 쓰시기 바랍니다. 때로는 화장실에서 때로는 주차장에서 때로는 복도에서 고용인을 만날 수 있기 때문입니다. 그래서 항상 프로페셔널한 인상을 주는 것이 중요합니다.  좋은 기회가 되시길 바랍니다. 궁금 하시 것이 있으신 분들은 연락 주세요. (John Song: jsong@dcrs.ca ; 604-597-0205 ext.4307)

Hiring Fair Preparation Tips

Benefits of the Hiring Fair
• Talk face to face with employers
• Learn more about participating companies
• Expand your network of contacts

Why companies Participate
• Meet qualified applicants for current openings
• Build on applicant pool for future openings

Hiring Fair checklist
• Prepare and print copies of your resume and cover letter
• Research companies and prepare questions for employers
• Dress to make a positive impression
• Conduct yourself professionally at all times.

During the Hiring Fair
This is your opportunity to be evaluated on more than just your resume. At a fair, you have an opportunity to stand out in person in a way that you might not on your resume. Interpersonal skills, communication skills and work-place-appropriate social skills are critical. Many employers evaluate these skills heavily, because they want to hire people who can make a good impression on their clients and customers.

• Carry a simple pad-folio or duo-tang to keep your resumes organized and ready
• Watch your manners and mannerisms – stand up straight, do not chew gum or smell like smoke. Turn off your cell phone.
• Be assertive, offer a firm handshake, make direct eye contact and use your one-minute commercial as an introduction
• Demonstrate confidence, interest and enthusiasm.
• Remember to smile
• Indicate the knowledge you gained about the company through your research
• Ask relevant questions and answer questions clearly and concisely
• Repeat your interest in the company, leave a reference and thank each person for their time

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