Shelter Aid For Elderly Renters - 노인 - 임대 보조 혜택
DIVERSEcity (173.180.219.XXX) / 번호: 12788 / 등록: 2012-10-02 10:00 / 수정: 2012-10-02 10:00 / 조회수: 4104

Shelter Aid For Elderly Renters (SAFER)

SAFER 지난번에 올린 렌트 보조 혜택에 해당 되시지 않는 분들을 위한 혜택입니다. 자격 기준을 먼저 참고해 주세요. 도움이 필요하신분들은 연락 주세요. John Song ( ; 604-597-0205 ext. 4307)

You may be eligible for SAFER if you meet all of the following conditions:

1.     You are age 60 or older.(60 이상)

2.     You have lived in British Columbia for the full 12 months immediately preceding your application. (SAFER신청 시점을 기준으로 12개월 동안 BC 살아야 )

3.     You and your spouse (with whom you are living) meet the citizenship requirements. (시민권자 / 영주권자/ 피난민/ 그리고 스폰서쉽이 끊어진 경우)

4.     You pay more than 30% of your gross (before tax) monthly household income towards the rent for your home, including the cost of pad rental for a manufactured home (trailer) that you own and occupy. (하우스 인컴의 30% 이상을 렌트비로 지출할 )


You will not be eligible  if any of following are true:

·         You are under age 60.

·         You live in subsidized housing or a residential care facility funded by the Ministry of Health.

·         You live in co-operative housing and are a shareholder.

·         You or your family receive income assistance through the B.C. Employment and Assistance Act or the Employment and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities Act (excluding Medical Services only).

·         You or your spouse (if applicable) are in Canada under a private sponsorship agreement that is still in force.

·         You do not live in British Columbia.

·         You have not lived in British Columbia for the full 12 months immediately preceding your application.

·         You do not meet the Citizenship requirements.

·         Your gross monthly income exceeds the following:


Greater Vancouver Regional District

Other Areas of the Province










Once you have confirmed your eligibility, the next step is to complete an application form


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