임대인 Clara 전화번호 00000000000
이메일 ehhong64@gmail.com 입주일자 -
상위지역 BC 하위지역 밴쿠버
상세주소 west 8th Vancouver 우편번호 V6H4A7
타입 콘도/아파트 룸타입 1BR
가격 $2,450 보증금 $1,225
면적 600 Sqft 건축 년도 1990 년
침실(수) 1개 화장실(수) 1개
기본 사항

600SF One bedroom apartment rent  $2450/month

Good location West 8th and Ock street
15min walk to VGH, Broadway, City Hall, skytrain station.
10Min walk to Granville Island. 
Gas included, 
Not included : electricity and wifi
Fridge, dishwasher electric Range and Laundry in suit
storage locker included. 
Strictly non-smoking, 
one pet only. and a half month pet deposit required. 
street permit parking available. 
Credit check and reference required
Tenant insurance required,
Available suit  from 10/January. 
Contact email : ehhong64@gmail.com