PICS Mega Job Fair - 7월 21일
Options (96.48.224.XXX) / 번호: 4346 / 등록: 2011-06-08 10:50 / 수정: 2011-06-08 10:51 / 조회수: 4122

PICS Mega Job Fair
장소 : North Surrey Recreation Center
         10275 135 Street, Surrey
시간 : 2011년 7월 21일, 10:00am ~ 5:00pm
본 job fair에 100개가 넘는 업체가 참여 한다고 합니다.
이력서 가지시고 참석 하셔서, 어느 고용주와 어떤 기회가 있는지 말씀 나누는 시간 되시기 바랍니다.

관련 비디오 입니다.

The 2011 Mega Job Fair will take place on July 21st, 2011 from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm at the North Surrey Recreation Centre at 10275 - 135 Street, and will have about 100 exhibitors from various fields and sectors to talk to job seekers about available job opportunities in their organizations. Job seekers will have free access to hundreds of employers and career choices under one roof in one day.

We recommend that newcomers bring along a stack of resumés and wear professional clothing. Come early, talk with confidence and share the best of yourself. Prepare a list of questions that you wish to ask the exhibitors. If you are well prepared and organized, you may get interviewed, get important information about your career prospects, make important networking contacts, get practical experience at interacting with HR personnel or you may even get hired at the job fair.

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