BC Food Processors Association에서 제공하는 자격증을 취득할 수 있는 기회를 소개합니다
DIVERSEcity (66.183.56.XXX) / 번호: 15388 / 등록: 2013-03-15 16:00 / 수정: 2013-03-15 16:00 / 조회수: 4112

The BC Food Processors Association has completed the first year of the                        “BC Food Processors Work!” Program, which offers people looking for fulltime work a short cut (4 weeks!) to that goal. The program has been so successful that we have been funded for a second year. Our first intake of Year Two is coming up!
You could be working in    * Fruits & Vegetables     * Dairy     * Meats & Poultry      * Bakery & Tortilla            * Beverages     * Sugar & Confectionary                             * Grains & Oilseeds     * Seafood     * Animal Foods        * Frozen Foods

If you are interested in obtaining full-time work, upgrading your skills and establishing a career path for the future, you should book your seat for the Program Information Session!

April 2, 2013
Maritime Labour Centre, 1880 Triumph Street, Vancouver
10:30 a.m.

● Listen to an overview of the BC food processing industry and the labour market for the industry, including pay rates and working conditions
● Find out about the potential for a career in the industry and how this program can get you started
● Learn how you can be trained at no cost to work in the industry (a value of $1800.00), over a two week period 
● Find out what 4 BCFPA/FPHRC food processing certificates  you can earn

          √   Fundamentals of Quality Assurance for Food Processing Workers
          √   Orientation to the Food Processing Industry - Food Safety and You!
          √   National Sanitation Training
          √   Workplace Essential Skills for Food Processing Workers
Participants who successfully complete the 4 certificates will be directly marketed to current industry job openings immediately after training session.
To confirm your seat in the information session and receive further information on the location and parking, please contact:
Jennefer LeBarge, Transition Coach, BC Food Processors Work!
 jennefer@dccnet.com   1-604-886-7891



Who is Eligible to Apply For the Program?

√ Individuals can be currently working (full-time, part-time, self-employed) but they will have to attend the 4 week program full time

√ Participants can not have any recognized post secondary education towards a university degree. Unrecognized foreign credentials do not exclude an individual

√ If an individual has both a high school diploma, GED, etc. and a recognized trade certification, or Class 1 Driver’s License, they are ineligible

√ Participants cannot be currently receiving EI benefits, cannot have received EI benefits other than maternity or parental in the past 3 years, cannot have received maternity or parental benefits in the past 5 years, cannot have established an EI claim in the past 3 years but did not receive benefits as the result of a disqualification

● If a person wishes to take the program but does not qualify they may enter the program by paying the program fee of approximately $1800.00.

● Social Assistance recipients must have permission from MSS to enter the program

Information session  April 2, 2013        You must book a seat to attend and bring a resume    

Intake April 22, 2013                 Maximum 20 participants     

The Maritime Labour Centre is located on the city's north-east side. Turn north off Hastings onto Victoria Drive.  The centre offers free parking at Pandora and Victoria. The entrance to the hall is on Triumph Street.


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