DIVERSEcity (173.180.207.XXX) / 번호: 14395 / 등록: 2013-01-08 13:47 / 수정: 2013-01-08 13:47 / 조회수: 4102

Young Adults Towards Success (YATS) program is an eight-week course designed to help young adult newcomers to Canada gain skills, set personal, educational and career goals while gaining knowledge about their new home in

British Columbia. The program will be fun, active and inclusive


교육 받는 장소:

1113-7330 137th Street, Surrey BC. V3W 1A3


자격 요건:

Between 20 to 25 y ears of age

Not attending full-time school or employment program at the time of intake.

Have a permanent resident or refugee claimant status

Can commit to eight weeks of learning

Motivated to achieve their personal goals


제공 되어 지는 교육들:

Employability skills and job search strategies

Banking, budgeting and financial skills

Health and wellness tips

Practice with English language skills

Information on Canadian Culture and how to manage



 Week Date Time Lesson Plan
1 Jan-11-2013 Friday 1- 4pm
Employability Skills and Job Search Strategies Part I

2 Jan-18-2013 Friday 1- 4pm
Employability Skills and Job Search Strategies Part II

3 Jan-25-2013 Friday 1- 4pm
Workplace Communication Skills

4 Feb-01-2013 Friday 1- 4pm
Wellness and Health Part I

5 Feb-08-2013 Friday 1- 4pm
Wellness and Health Part II

6 Feb-15-2013 Friday 1- 4pm
Canadian Culture

7 Feb-22-2013 Friday 1- 4pm
Banking and Personal Finances

8 Mar-01-2013 Friday 1- 4pm
Wrap-up, Living Streets Workshop & Exercise


관심이 있으신 분들은 연락 주세요.

John Song ( ; 604-597-0205 ext. 4307 ; 604 - 587- 5628)



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