Child Care Subsidy (육아 보조비)
DIVERSEcity (173.180.219.XXX) / 번호: 12787 / 등록: 2012-10-02 09:58 / 수정: 2012-10-02 09:58 / 조회수: 4106

Child care subsidy 자녀들을 Day Care before and after school 프로그램에 등록시킬 정부로 부터 받는 보조금을 말합니다. 자격 요건은 아래의 내용을 참고하시면 됩니다. 일반적인 예로는 부부중 분이 풀타임으로 일을 하고 다른 한분이 공부를 하거나 잡서치를 하게 가능합니다. 공부를 하게 되면 학교 등록한 기록을 보내면 되고 잡서치를 하게 되면 잡서치 기록을 보내야 합니다. 어플리게이션을 작성하면서 도움이 필요하신 분들은 연락 주세요 John Song (; 604-597-0205 ext. 4307). 저에게 이메일을 하신 응답을 받지 못하신 분이 있다면 전화로 메세지를 남겨 주시기 바랍니다



To receive child care subsidy you must meet the following criteria:

1.    You must be a resident of BC.


2.    You must be one of the following:

·         a Canadian citizen,

·         a Permanent Resident of Canada,

·         a Convention Refugee, or

·         a Person in need of protection.


3.    You must have an eligible child care arrangement provided in BC. Eligible child care arrangements include:

·         Licensed (a family home, group child care centre or preschool);

·         Registered Licence-not-required;

·         Licence-not-required;

·         In the Child’s Own Home.

For more information on the various types of child care arrangements that may be subsidized, refer to the Eligible Child Care Arrangements. For assistance in locating a licensed child care provider in your community, use the Child Care Programs and Services Map.


4.    You and your spouse (if applicable) must have one of the following reasons for needing child care:

·         employed or self-employed; (고용된 경우나 자영업을 하는 경우)

·         attending an educational institution or enrolled in distance education; (학교에 등록/ 온라인 코스도 가능)

·         seeking employment or participating in an employment-related program (only one parent can be seeking employment); (잡서치를 경우)

·         have a medical condition that interferes with your ability to care for your child(ren); (메티컬 이슈로 아이를 돌보는 것이 어려울 )

·         have a child attending a licensed preschool; (자녀가 프리스쿨에 다닐때)

·         have been referred by a Ministry of Children and Family Development or Delegated Aboriginal Agency social worker. (social worker 리퍼할 )


5.    You and your spouse must establish a financial need (if applicable). Proof of income will be required. (재정 증명리 필요함)

Further information is available in the Frequently Asked Questions for Parents. To see if you may be eligible for subsidy, complete the on-line Child Care Subsidy Eligibility Evaluator below:


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